For Information on becoming a member of DelVal,
please contact Shelly Serafin.
Dear Prospective Member: We thank you for your inquiry concerning membership in the Delaware Valley Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club (DVSCWTC). Membership Application and procedures are as follows: 1. Please complete the attached application by clearly printing or typing. Ensure that all requested information has been included on the application. 2. Prospective member(s) will be required to have two DVSCWTC sponsors (a Primary Sponsor and a Seconday Sponsor) who personally have known the prospective member(s) for at least six (6) months. Both sponsors must be able to attest to the prospective member(s) character, reliability and good practices as a responsible owner or breeder. The primary sponsor's responsibility also includes introducing the prospective member(s) at club meeting and providing a brief description of the prospective member's interest in becoming a member of the club. 3. Please ensure that both sponsors sign the application form. 4. Please review the Code of Ethics and Constitution before you complete the application. 5. The completed and signed application should be given to the Membership Chairperson or designated representative at the club meeting in which the prospective member(s) will be introduced by the Primary Sponsor. 6. After the application is submitted, the prospective member(s) must attend two (2) out of the four (4) consecutive club meetings for the DVSCWTC's consideration of their application. 7. After the prospective member(s) has attended two club meetings, their application will be voted on by the club at the next scheduled DVSCWTC meeting. 8. Upon acceptance into the DVSCWTC, we would ask that you please submit your annual dues to the Treasurer. Annual dues are $15.00 for an individual membership or $25.00 for a husband and wife or two people who reside at the same residence. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide you with further information. Sincerely, Shelly Serafin Membership Chairperson
All Wheaten Owners in the Delaware Valley and surrounding areas are welcome to attend DelVal meetings and events.